Minister of the Word- Lectors



THE LECTOR assists the priest celebrant in proclaiming the Word of God.


  • -Must be a confirmed Catholic in good standing and able to proclaim the Word of God to the congregation.
  • Must be a registered Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace member.
  • Attend scheduled meetings and training workshops and adhere to the duties written in the lector guidelines.
  • Maybe a member of other liturgical ministries (e.g., Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Music Leader, or Choir)
    but not serve two ministries during the same Mass.


  • Throughout the week, prepare yourself to proclaim God’s message.  The first and second readings, the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel, are all interwoven to convey God’s message for that Mass.  Start by reading, studying, and contemplating all the Readings.  Convey and show the emotion of the message without becoming dramatic.  If you’d like feedback, seek constructive feedback from the priest/deacon and other lectors. 
  • One resource now available via the internet is the link to the readings on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website.  Once the Readings are displayed, simply follow the link to the audio of all the readings on the left column.
  • The lector schedule will be posted in the Sacristy and distributed to all members via e-mail or regular mail.  Check the schedule for any conflicts.  If unable to read as scheduled, find a replacement as soon as possible.  If unable to arrange a replacement, contact the chairperson/assistant chairperson for further help.
  • Dress appropriately when serving as a liturgical minister.  If possible, match clothing with the color of the season.  Women are to wear a dress, business pantsuit or muu’muu, and dress shoes or sandals (no strapless or spaghetti straps, jeans, or slippers.  If you wear a sweater shell, your shoulders should be covered).  Men should wear long dress pants, a suit or an aloha shirt with a collar, and dress shoes (no jeans, t-shirts, or slippers).
  • As part of our faith journey, every Lector should study and be familiar with all the Readings for each Sunday Liturgy, not only the days we are scheduled to read.
  • Please support each other, ensure there are two lectors at every Sunday Mass you attend, and be ready to read if scheduled lectors cannot.
  • If unable to serve as scheduled, please find someone in your Mass group to cover for you and update the master schedule in the Sacristy.
  • Please do not be late.  We strongly encourage everyone to arrive at church 30 minutes before your scheduled Mass to prepare the books, set the Ambo, etc.
  • At all Masses, including weekdays and Saturday mornings.  Please match the color of your attire to the liturgical color of the Mass as indicated in the schedule above.
  • Attire NOT considered appropriate includes skirts above the knees, sleeveless blouses and shirts, T-shirts, jeans, shorts, slippers, and men wearing open-toed footwear without socks.  Color key: (G)-green, (R)-red, (W)-white, (V)-violet or purple.
  • Please remove hats or veils while reading or anything clipped to your pockets, like cell phones or keys.  No shoulder bags, either.
  • Attend all scheduled ministry meetings, training sessions, and retreats and support all ministry functions.
  • If unable to serve for a time because of vacation, trip, or work schedule, inform the chairperson as soon as possible before the new schedule is made.
  • If, for any reason, you are unable to fulfill your duties as a lector and need to withdraw from the ministry, please talk to the lector chairperson.


  • Arrive in the Sacristy at least 30 minutes before Mass.  Check the Lectionary to make sure the correct Readings are marked.  Review the Readings, as they may not be as written in the Lector’s Workbook.  Put on the Lector Service Cross located in the top drawer in the Sacristy (if you forgot your own cross).  Return the cross to its proper place after Mass.
  • Find out if a deacon is assisting the priest celebrant at Mass.  If there is a deacon, he will lead the Prayer of the Faithful.  If there is no deacon, familiarize yourself with these prayers and names of Mass intentions.
  • Set up and adjust the Ambo microphone so the assembly may hear you clearly when you proclaim it and ensure it works.
  • Place the lector clothes over the two chairs to reserve the seats.
  • Place the Lectionary on the Ambo.
  • Coordinate with the other Lector on the Readings.
  • Minimize talking in the Sacristy before Mass.  This is to create an atmosphere of reverence.


  • Five minutes before Mass starts, the Lector from the Sacristy approaches the Commentator’s Lectern to read the Welcoming Words and other announcements.
  • If you see that there are many visitors and hospitality ministers are taking time to give them leis, give yourself a pause until almost all of the visitors are welcomed with leis.  Then, continue the announcement.
  • – End the announcement by mentioning the Main Celebrant of the Mass.  Say like, “Our main celebrant is Fr. Pascual or Fr. Lazarus”.  If there is a visiting priest, get the priest’s name from the Clergy Calendar.  If there is a Deacon, we continue to say, “assisted by Deacon Joe.”  If there is a visiting Deacon as well, get the name of the Deacon before Mass.


  • If a deacon is assisting, he will carry in The Book of Gospels during the entrance procession; if there is no deacon, the Lector carries in The Book of Gospels.  (When the deacon is present, the Lector does not process in and is already seated).
  • Process in front of the priest celebrant approximately five (5) feet behind the last Altar Server.  The Book of Gospels is carried slightly elevated between the chest and nose.
  • Process immediately on the Altar and place The Book of Gospels on the stand on the altar table.
  • After placing The Book of Gospels, immediately go to your seat.  (It is suggested that the lectors sit in the front seat adjacent to the center aisle with the second reader on the outside).


  • After the priest celebrant ends the Opening Prayer, the Lector will move towards the center of the Altar and do a reverential bow at the front of the Altar.  Lectors should approach the Lectern with palms together and hands crossed (this should also be done when returning to your seat after proclaiming the Readings).  
  • Wait to begin the First Reading only after the noise connected with the seating of the assembly has died down, and all are ready to listen.
  • A pause should follow each Reading before saying “The Word of the Lord.”  After the response “Thanks be to God,” a reflective silence should follow, like a 10-second silence before stepping down from the Ambo.
  • After the First Reading is proclaimed, the Lector will return to his/her seat as soon as the tune for the Responsorial Psalm is played.
  • If there is no cantor or choir to sing the Responsorial Psalm, the Lector will read the Responsorial Psalm.  Read the Response slowly so that the assembly learns it.  Repeat the Response with the assembly after each verse.
  • After the Responsorial Psalm is completed, the Lector will again approach the Ambo to proclaim the Second Reading.
  • After the Second Reading is proclaimed, close the Lectionary and place it on the wooden Book Stand at the Credence Table.  The Ambo must be cleared off so the Deacon or Celebrant can place the Book of the Gospels.
  • The Lector reads the Prayer of the Faithful if no Deacon is present.  While the Creed is being recited, approach the Commentator’s Lectern using the side ramp or stairs on the makai side when you hear “Proceeds from the Father and the Son.”  By the time the Creed is completed, the Lector should be standing at the Lectern, ready to read the Prayers of the Faithful.  The Book of Gospels will be on the Ambo.  Give a slight pause after reading each Prayer (before saying “We Pray to the Lord”).  Always wait for the priest celebrant to complete the closing prayer.
  • There is usually an announcement for the Second Collection.  Read clearly so that the people will understand the purpose of the second collection.
  • There is usually a Special Prayer offered after the Prayer After Communion.  While the Celebrant invites the assembly for this Prayer, the Lector approaches the Commentator’s Lectern for the Announcements.  Always ask the assembly to sit while reading the Announcements.
  • After the Announcements, invite the assembly to stand for the Final Blessing.


  • If there is no service following the Mass you served, put away the microphone and lector chair covers.
  • Pick up the Lectionary, Book of Gospels, and Prayer of the Faithful binder and return it to the Sacristy.
  • Sign in on the attendance log (if not completed before Mass).