The annual ‘Ohana in Christ appeal is upon us, I hope you have taken time to consider how you and your family can support this appeal, which helps to educate the next generation, provide for those in need, and strengthen Catholic communities in many important ways.
Our goal as a parish this year is $36,671.00 and I hope you will join me in helping to meet and exceed this year’s goal! The collective spirit we bring to this effort today will be a major step towards our success with this year’s appeal.
I want you to know the real difference of what the ‘Ohana in Christ appeal is doing and the impact it’s making in the lives of others. Your gifts to the appeal support:
- The students at our 26 Hawaii Catholic schools along with the youth & young adults in our Faith Formation programs.
- Our parishioners so that resources are available for spiritual growth and that all members in our community can fully participate in the life and mission of the Church.
- Those in need providing them with food and shelter assistance.
- The offices of our diocese that seek to evangelize, unify and inspire Catholics throughout the Islands.
- Seminarians as they discern their call to holy priesthood.
Click on the image below to support the ‘Ohana in Christ Appeal 2024-2025