Sunday Liturgy

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Order of Worship

Introductory Rites:

Entrance Hymn: ”Lift Up Your Hearts”
[Roc O’Conner]
Sign of the Cross & Greeting
Penitential Act
Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling of Water


Liturgy of the Word:

First Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5 “The bridegroom rejoices in his bride.”
Responsorial Psalm 96 “Proclaim his deeds to all the nations; proclaim his marv’lous deeds to all.” [Robert M. Mondoy]
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 “One and the same Spirit distributing them individually to each person.” 
Gospel Acclamation: “Alleluia,  alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.” [Light of Nations Mass – Robert M. Mondoy]
Gospel: John 2:1-11 “Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee.” 
Profession of Faith
Universal Prayer

Liturgy of the Eucharist: Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts  
“May We All One Body Be”
[Nani Kaua’i]
Prayer Over the Offerings

Mystery of Faith
Doxology and Amen

Communion Rite:

Lord’s Prayer and Final Doxology
Rite of Peace

Litany for the Breaking of the Bread
Invitation to Communion
Communion Procession:
“Come To Me And Drink”   
[Bob Hurd]
Prayer After Communion

Concluding Rites:

Prayer For The Jubilee Year of Hope
Closing Hymn
“God’s Love Made Visible”
[Dave Brubeck]

Sunday Mass Celebrant

Mass Times Celebrant
5:00pm (Vigil) Fr. Lazarus
6:00am Fr. Lazarus
8:00am Fr. Lazarus
10:00am  Fr. Pascual
12:00pm (Noon) Fr. Pascual


Fr. Pascual