Fourth Sunday of Lent
Introductory Rites: |
Entrance Antiphon: ”Return To God” |
Liturgy of the Word: | First Reading: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12 “The people of God entered the promised land and there kept the Passover.” Responsorial Psalm 34 “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord, the goodness of the Lord.” [Robert M. Mondoy] Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 “God reconciled us to himself through Christ.” Gospel Acclamation: “Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory!” [Mesa Kahiko – Robert M. Mondoy] Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 “Your brother was dead and has come to life again.” Homily Apostles’ Creed Universal Prayer |
Liturgy of the Eucharist: | Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts “You Alone” [Sarah Hart & Dwight Liles] Prayer Over the Offerings Preface Sanctus Mystery of Faith Doxology and Amen |
Communion Rite: |
Lord’s Prayer and Final Doxology |
Concluding Rites: |
Diocesan Prayer for Vocation |
Sunday Mass Celebrant
Mass Times | Celebrant |
5:00pm (Vigil) | Fr. Lazarus w/ Dcn. Joe |
6:00am | Fr. Lazarus |
8:00am | Fr. Lazarus |
10:00am | Fr. Francis Pham |
12:00pm (Noon) | Fr. Francis Pham |
6:00pm |
Fr. Royd Mweemba |